Detailseite Dr. Aryan
I am a Research fellow and part-time lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies. I hold a PhD in contemporary literature from Durham University. I also carried out a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Tübingen. My research interests are postmodernism, contemporary literature and the medical humanities. I am also an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, am a reviewer for A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews (Wiley), Literature Compass (Taylor & Francis) and Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Warwick University). I am the founder of Literature and Science forum which is a platform to foster interdisciplinary studies in the medical and digital humanities.
I lead and teach the following courses:
Medical Humanities: Fiction as Therapy
Postmodernist Fiction and Theory
Metamodernism: Fiction in the Age of Risk and Anxiety
Colonisation, Epidemiology and Literature
The Post-war Novel and the Death of the Author, Palgrave Macmillan (August 2020)
The Postmodern Representation of Reality in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (August 2022)
'The Death of the Reader and the Rise of the Female Author in Mohebali's "The Female Vampire"', Discourse: An Iranian Quarterly (Winter 2024)
'The Literary Critic and Creative Writer as Antagonists: Golding's The Paper Men', Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory (31 August, 2023)
'Fiction as Therapy: Agency and Authorship in Samuel Beckett's The Unnamable', Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Warwick University (October 2021)
'The Traumatised Shaman: The Woman Writer in the Age of Globalised Trauma', Alluvium, The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies (BACLS), (special issue, June 2019)
'The Author Returns', Alluvium, The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies (BACLS), (April 2019)
'Animal Imagery in Jose Saramago's Blindness', AIJCR (January 2012)
'The Problematisation of the Representation of Reality in Peter Ackroyd's Chatterton in Light of Postmodern Theories', IJHSS (August 2011)
Book Reviews:
The Late Style of Borges, Beckett and Coetzee as Postmodernist Cynics, Journal of Modern Literature (Summer 2019)
Stories that Voices Need to Tell: A Review of 'It’s All in My Head!', Durham University, (January 2019)
Women's Suffrage has not Started Yet, Durham Book Festival, READ, (October 2018)